ABORI Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute(《班达卡尔东方研究所年鉴》),Poona
AIK The Age of Imperial Kanauj(《曲女城帝国时代》),ed.by R.C.Majumdar and A.D.Pusalker
Ait.Upa Aitareya (《爱多雷耶奥义书》)
AIU The Age of Imperial Unity(《帝国统一时代》),ed.by R.C.Majumdar and A.D.Pusalker
AV Atharveda(《阿达婆吠陀》)
BEFEO Bulletin de L‘Ecole Francaise D'Extreme Orient(《法国远东学院学报》)
BMC,AI Catalogue of Coins of Ancient India(in the British Museum)(《英国博物馆藏印度古代钱币目录》),by John Allan
BMC,GD Catalogue of the Coins of the Gupta Dynasties and of ,king of
(in the British Museum)(《英国博物馆藏笈多王朝和设赏迦王钱币目录》),by John Allan
BSOAS Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies(《东方和非洲研究院学报》),London
CA The Classi cal Age(《古典时代》),ed.by R.C.Majumdar and A.D.Pusalker
CHI Culture Heritage of India,(《印度文化传统》),4 Vols.,或者,Cambridge History of India(《剑桥印度史》),依据语境
Corpus Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum(《印度铭文集成》),Vol.3,by J.F.Fleet
DKM Decline of the Kingdom ofMagadha(《摩揭陀国的衰亡》),by B.P.Sinha
Dh Dhammapada(《法句经》)
DHI Development of Hindu Iconography(《印度图像的发展》),by J.N.Banerjea
EI Epigraphia Indica(《印度铭文》),Delhi
EHI Early History of India(《印度早期历史》),by V.A.Smith
EHNI Early History of North India(《北印度早期历史》),by S.Chattopadhyaya
ERE Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics(《宗教和伦理百科》)
GST Tantra(《秘密集会怛特罗》)
HC (《戒日王传》)
HD History of (《法论史》),5 Vols.,by P.V.Kane
HIG A History of the Imperial Guptas(《笈多帝国史》),by S.R.Goyal
HIL A History of Indian Literature(《印度文学史》),by M.Winternitz
HK History of Kanauj(《曲女城史》),by R.S.Tripathi
HNEI The History of North-Eastern India(《东北印度史》),by R.G.Basak
IA Indian Antiquary(《印度文物》),Bombay
IC Indian Culture(《印度文化》),Calcutta
IHQ Indian Histori cal Quarterly(《印度历史季刊》),Calcutta
JA Journal Asiatique(《亚洲杂志》),Paris
JAHRS Journal of the Andhra Histori cal Research Society(《安得拉历史研究学会杂志》),Rajamundry
JAIH Journal of Ancient Indian History(《印度古代历史杂志》),Calcutta
JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society(《美国东方学会杂志》),New Haven
JASB Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal(《孟加拉亚洲学会会刊》),Calcutta
JBORS Journal of Bihar and Orissa Research Society(《比哈尔和奥里萨研究学会杂志》),Patna
JBBRAS Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society(《皇家亚洲学会孟买分会杂志》),Bombay
JBHU Journal of the Banaras Hindu University(《贝拿勒斯印度教大学杂志》),Varanasi
JIH Journal of Indian History(《印度历史杂志》),Trivandrum
JNSI Journal of Numismatic Society of India(《印度钱币学会杂志》),Varanasi
JOI Journal of Oriental Institute(《东方研究所杂志》),Baroda
JRAS Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland(《大不列颠和爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会杂志》),London
JRASB,L Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal(《孟加拉皇家亚洲学会杂志》),Letters,Calcutta
Life The Life of Hiuen-Tsiang(《大慈恩寺三藏法师传》),by S.Beal
MASI Memoirs of the Archaeologi cal Survey of India(《印度考古报告汇编》)
MBT Minor Buddhist Texts(《短篇佛经集》),2 Pts.,ed.by G.Tucci
MIC Mohenjodara and the Indus Civilization(《摩亨焦达罗和印度河流域文明》),by JohnMarshell
(《大乘佛经集》),Vol.1,ed.by P.L.Vaidya
NHIP A New History of the Indian People(《新编印度人民的历史》),Vol.6,ed.by R.C.Majumdar and A.S.Altekar
Num.Chron.(NC)Numismatic Chronicle(《钱币编年》)
Nnm.Suppl.(NS)Numismatic Supplement(《钱币补编》)
Origins Studies in the Origins of Buddhism(《佛教起源研究》),by G.C.Pande
PHAI Politi cal History of Ancient India(《印度古代政治史》),by H.C.Raychaudhuri
PIHC Proceedings of the Indian History Congress(《印度历史大会论文集》)
POC Proceedings of the Oriental Conference(《东方学会议论文集》)
PRHC Proceedings of the Rajasthan History Congress(《拉贾斯坦历史大会论文集》)
PTS Pali Text Society(巴利圣典学会)
RE Rock Edicts(岩石铭文)
Record A Record of the Buddhistic Religion as Practised in India andMalay Archipelago(A.D.671—695,《南海寄归内法传》),by I-tsing
Records Buddhist Records of Western World(《大唐西域记》),by S.Beal
RHAI A Religious History of Ancient India(《印度古代宗教史》),in two Volumes,by S.R.Goyal
RPV Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and (《吠陀和奥义书的宗教和哲学》),2 Vols.,by A.B.Keith
RV (《梨俱吠陀》)
SBE Sacred Books of the East(《东方圣书》)
SI Select Inscriptions Bearing on Indian History and Civilization(《印度历史和文明铭文选》),Vol.1,ed.by D.C.Sircar
Studies Studies in Vedic and Indo-Iranian Religion and Literature(《吠陀和印度-伊朗宗教和文学研究》),by K.C.Chattopadhyaya,2 Vols.,ed.by V.N.Mishra,或者,Studies in the Buddhist Culture of India(《印度佛教文化研究》),by L.M.Joshi(2nded.),依据语境
Travels On Yuan Chwang's Travels in India(《大唐西域记》),by T.Watters
YV Yajurveda(《夜柔吠陀》)