[词语]to keep one's shirt on
[趣释]【物事喻指】成语to keep one's shirt on直译是“一直穿着衬衣”或“别脱衬衣”。一个人不冷静或过分冲动,就会迅速脱去衬衣准备动手。这时“Keep your shirt on! ”(穿着衬衣或别脱衬衣)就被用来喻指别着急,沉住气,保持冷静,别冲动。这个成语主要用在回答对方催促或规劝对方保持冷静,不要冲动的场合。多用祈使句式。
[运用]“Aren't you ready to go yet? ”“Keep your skirt on. I'm coming.” “还没做好走的准备?”“甭着急嘛,我就来。”
Tell him to keep his shirt on until we're ready. 告诉他别着急,我们还没准备好。
Bob got angry when John accidentally humped into him, but John told him to keep his shirt on. 鲍勃因为被约翰偶然撞了一下而大为光火,但约翰劝他别冲动。
Jack said to his wife, “Honey, keep your shirt on, please! I'm sorry, but the boss made me work late at the office.” 杰克对妻子说:“亲爱的,千万别发火,我很抱歉。可是,我的老板给我好多活,我不得不在办公室加班。”
注:在英国英语中,to keep one's hair / wig(假发)on与keep one's shirt on同义,但美国英语无此表达法。例如:You should keep your hair on at that time. 那时,你应该保持镇定。