[词语]a/the forlorn hope
[趣释]【物事喻指】英语forlorn hope过去曾用来指“负有很危险任务的一群士兵”,如敢死队、突击队等。他们往往是在战争中挽救败局的产物,以强行的方式突破对方防线。他们的行动成功与否往往很难预料,但它毕竟为不利的局势带来了一丝希望。英语forlorn hope(敢死队)源于荷兰语verloren hoop,人们用“敢死队”来喻指渺茫的希望、绝望的冒险、孤注一掷的举动。英国小说家沃尔特·司各特(Walter Scott)在其小说《罗沁中区的心脏》(The Heart of Midlothian)中就引用了这条成语。
[运用]His grandfather was a trooper in Monk's army, and one of the party of dismounted dragoons which formed the forlorn hope at the storming of Dundee in 1651. 他的祖父是蒙克部队的一名骑兵,而且是1651年进攻邓狄的敢死队中下马攻城的龙骑兵。(司各特语)
It seemed a forlorn hope that we would find a taxi.看来,我们要找一辆出租车的希望非常渺茫。
Going to their rescues in a rowing-boat is a bit of forlorn hope. 划艇去救他们,希望不大。
She waited in the forlorn hope that he would one day come back to her. 她几乎毫无指望地等待有一天他会回到她身边。