[词语]when one's ship comes home/in
[趣释]【物事喻指】16世纪时,欧洲西方国家如英国、荷兰、西班牙等都拥有海上霸权。这些国家中的许多人从事海上贸易,他们把本地的物产运到海外贩卖,再把海外的特产运回本国推销。只要航程顺利,平安返航,这样一来一往一定能盆满钵满,发大财。于是,人们用“等自己的船返回时”(when one's ship comes home/in)来喻指等到有钱时、等到发大财的时候。
[运用]When my ship comes home, I'll go take a trip to Norway. 等我发了财,我要去挪威游一趟。
Taft said, “When my ship comes home, my dear, you will have every thing you could desire.” 塔夫特说:“亲爱的,等我发了大财,你想要啥就有啥。”
John'll buy you a silk dress, when his ship comes in. 约翰发了财,就会给你买绸外衣的。
Perhaps, when their ship comes in, they would be able to change some of their ugly chairs for some more beautiful ones. 也许等他们手头宽裕的时候,就会把房内丑陋的椅子换成漂亮的。