3 Terms
The following terms and definitions are applicable to this standard.
3.0.1 Cementitious material
A general designation for mineral additives which are used as concrete raw materials having cementing properties,such as cement and fly ash,silica fume,granulated blast-furnace slag,phosphorus slag powder,pozzolan,etc.
3.0.2 Water-cementitious material ratio
The ratio of the mass of water to the mass of cementitious materials used in concrete mixture.
3.0.3 Alkali-aggregate reaction
Chemical reaction between alkalis in hardened concrete and active minerals of some aggregates,resulting in concrete deleterious expansion,cracking and even damage.
3.0.4 Total alkali content of concrete
A product of mass of raw materials,such as cement,admixtures and additives per unit volume of concrete,and the effective alkali content,in kg/m3.
3.0.5 Effective alkali content
Alkali content in concrete raw materials which participates in alkali-aggregate reaction,expressed as an equivalent Na2O,that is,the sum of Na2O content and 0.658 K2O content,in %.
3.0.6 Alkali-silica reactive aggregate
Aggregate with noncrystalline silica or not completely crystallized silica;alkali-aggregate reaction may occur under certain conditions.
3.0.7 Alkali-carbonate reactive aggregate
Microcrystalline dolomite with a specific structure;alkali-aggregate reaction may occur under certain conditions.