7.6 Inspection and Documentation
7.6.1 The quality acceptance for the erection of flue gas and air ducts,fuel/bulk material pipes and auxiliary equipment shall be carried out in stage by the construction company,the supervision company and the Owner.
7.6.2 The following certification and records for the acceptance of construction quality shall be ready:
1 The factory certificate and site re-inspection records for the important materials and auxiliary equipment.
2 Certification for the leak test of the furnace and flue gas and air system.
3 Certification for oil leak test of the welds in flue gas and air ducts and fuel/bulk material pipes.
4 Certification for charged boosting test of electrostatic precipitator.
5 Certification for the trial operation of rapping and actuators in electrical dust removers.
6 Certification for the trial operation of rotating injection device and vibration driving devices in bag filters.
7 Certification for concealed works.
8 The assembly and erection records of flue gas and air ducts,fuel(material)pipes and auxiliary equipment.
9 The erection records of electrical precipitator.
10 The erection records of bag filters.