4 Foundations of Blast Furnaces
4.1 General Requirements
4.1.1 This Chapter is applicable to design of foundations of blast furnaces with useful volume of 1,000m3 and above each.
4.1.2 Foundations of blast furnaces shall be designed as follows:
1 The relevant requirements on bearing capacity calculation shall be met.
2 Foundation deformation shall be calculated to ensure it is within the specified limits.
3 The depth of foundations shall meet the stability requirements.
4 The requirements on side slope stability specified in Section 3.2.6 of this Code shall be met if the foundations are located on side slopes.
4.1.3 If a blast furnace is to be built on natural foundation,it should sit on the same rock supporting layer.Medium dense-dense gravel,soil and sand,hard plastic clay or rock should be used as the supporting layer.In case of piled foundation,the piles shall be of the same type.In case of point-bearing piles,the same rock layer should be used as the supporting layer of the pile tips.
4.1.4 The calculation result of foundation deformation for blast furnaces shall meet the following requirements:
1 The calculatation result of average foundation settlements shall be no greater than 200mm,and that of inclination of foundations shall be no greater than 0.001.
2 If some of the building columns or platform columns in the casthouse are directly supported on the blast furnace foundations,the settlements of the blast furnace foundations and the difference from the adjacent building column foundations and platform column foundations shall also follow the current national standard Code for Design of Building Foundations(GB 50007).