boot靴子——a boot camp海军训练新兵之营地→训练营地
Go to aboot camp for obsessive-compulsives.
boots靴子——die with one’s boots on穿上靴子死去→死在工作岗位上,因公殉职
Some people want to “die with their boots on”, while others would prefer to die wearing sandals or running shoes and in some venue other than the workplace.
button纽扣——hot button热门话题;敏感问题
The campaign for same-sex marriage has been lucrative for politicians—attracting big donors just like every other hot button issue.
As contestants gather in Atlantic City to see who will be crowned Miss America 2014, we are reminded of the famous “bra-burning” demonstrations, 45 years ago this month, in which hundreds of women gathered on the boardwalk to protest the pageant, proclaiming it racist and bad for women.
Many poor girls grow up believing their destinies have already been fashioned by forces beyond their control.
By 2050, the number of African-Americans age 65 and older will more than triple, and the number of older Latinos will increase 11-fold.
That said, this happened with vinyl and CDs as record labels decided to release some new records exclusively on iTunes.
lining衬里——silver lining乌云周围的白光→(不幸或失望中的)一线希望
If there is a silver lining for students and parents after this hectic time, it may be this: now you have four years for relaxation.
It is a question, however, that masks a much more serious issue for parents and children, particularly those in the middle and working classes.
Or they choose electives from a random array of courses designed by faculty for their own convenience that mirror their own concerns, not a considered diagnosis of the needs and interests of students.
It would, in effect, stifle competition and innovation and hand over an exciting and promising new industry to a small group of deep-pocketed companies that would wield unmatched influence over market direction, consumer choice and public policy—i.e. Big Tobacco.
purse strings钱袋→财产;资金
Developing nations must watch the purse strings for climate aid.
rags破旧衣服——rags to riches从贫穷到巨富→白手起家
And while many of us believe that the American Dream of rags to riches through honest hard work still exists, our experience tells us that far more common is wealth acquired via hustles and scams—both illegal ones and legal—and so we relate to stories that validate our experience.
Look, I’m not demanding that diversity get shoehorned into stories.
shoes鞋子——put oneself in the shoes of sb. else站在某人的角度(考虑问题)
If you put yourself in the shoes of a child pornography victim, you should recognize the incredible helplessness they experience as a record of their victimization is continually circulated among criminals who derive sexual pleasure from viewing their past exploitation.
shoes鞋子——take a walk in one’s shoes设身处地地替某人着想
One of the most important decisions they can make is to not just tolerate their classmates, but to mentally take a walk in their shoes. It might be the best lesson they learn in college.
It speeds up possible love connections by showcasing the bonds that tend to strengthen relationships: mutual friends, interests and points of view.
The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because it depends on much more than biology.
Plus, network television has done just fine in skirting the rules since the Janet Jackson incident in 2004—for reference, see any episode of Family Guy or American Dad.
sleeves袖子——roll up one’s sleeves撸起袖子(加油干)
Though I did not have a medical degree or decades of experience, I was encouraged to roll up my sleeves and help.
Part of the problem is that the last wave of reform policies has produced a compliance-orientation to schooling that leaves school leaders in a virtual straitjacket.
strap皮带——be strapped for...受到……的约束
Libraries are perennially strapped for cash and are at risk of being forced to cut back hours and services, but they have space and plenty of visitors.
In effect, Facebook’s outsized power is causing already strapped news organizations to invest in varied costly endeavors to appeal to Facebook’s whims.
What students really need is an education system that understands that all children learn differently, and is tailored to their individual needs—not their sex.
In an era when most people can be confident of living to be at least 80 years old, there is now room for a new life stage of emerging adulthood, from the late teens through the 20s, that is tailor-made for the explorations the college experience encourages.
tie系领带——be tied to...与……有关
But part of the reason for the obsolescence of middle-class values is tied to the effects of the Great Recession, which has put pressures on all families, whatever their income level, whether it be the need for both parents to work or the financial tensions that lead to divorce or deferred marriage.
The women who pioneered groups supportive of attachment-parenting, like La Leche League International, and started publications like Mothering are not competitive corporate-minded trendy celebrity divas toting secret nannies on the side, nor are they perfection-driven bored subjugated barefoot lonely women setting feminism back 200 years.
tow麻的粗纤维——in tow一起
Becoming a mother in young adulthood may take an especially large toll on African-American women because their families often lack the resources to help them overcome the challenges of continuing their education and establishing a career with children in tow.
Automakers, for example, strictly control prices for their suppliers—a business model that would suffer greatly under the new rule because of the potential for additional uncapped costs.
velvet glove天鹅绒手套→外柔内刚;表面温和的东西
Instead, in an obvious attempt to blunt near universal criticism of its velvet glove approach, last month Treasury took largely meaningless action against just three of the servicers by temporarily withholding payments until they stop violating the program’s rules—something to which they had largely already committed in a previous unrelated settlement with their regulators—and then paying them in full.
We have a societal responsibility and a vested interest to take advantage of innovation while guarding against exploitation.
vogue时尚——in vogue流行,盛行
High-stakes evaluations are in vogue not only in higher education but also in elementary and high school.
wig假发——big wig一头假发→大人物
As the big wig among the crowd, he can’t go anywhere without the protections of the bodyguards, who cost the taxpayers a lot.