第2章 语 音
2.1 复习笔记
1.Speech Organs 发音器官
2.Distinction, Classification and the Criteria of Description between Constants and Vowels
3.Coarticulation and Phonetic Transcriptions
4.Phonemes and Allophones
5.Phonological Processes, Phonological Rules and Distinctive Features
6.Syllable Structure, Stress and Intonation
I. The Definition of Phonetics and Phonology
2.Three Major Research Fields of Phonetics
II. Speech Organs
▼1. Gestures
2.Speech organs
3.Voiceless sounds
4.Voiced sounds
III. Consonants and Vowels
(1) Manner of Articulation and Place of Articulation
(2) Classification of Consonants
(1) Cardinal vowels
(2) Criteria of vowel description
(3) Monophthongs, Diphthongs and Triphthongs
IV. Coarticulation and Phonetic Transcriptions
*1. Coarticulation
*2. Phonetic Transcription
V. Phonemes and Allophones
VI. Phonological Processes and Distinctive Features
1.Phonological processes
*3. Distinctive features
VII. Suprasegmentals
1.Suprasegmental features
2.The Syllable Structure
▼3. Sonority Scale
▼4. Stress
(1) Change of the stresses due to suffixes
(2) Stresses in compounds and phrases
5.Intonation and Tone
I. The Definition of Phonetics and Phonology (语音学和音系学的定义)
1.Phonetics (语音学)
Phonetics studies how speech sounds are produced, transmitted, and perceived.
2.Three Major Research Fields of Phonetics (语音学研究的三大领域)
(1) Articulatory Phonetics is the study of the production of speech sounds.
(2) Acoustic Phonetics is the study of physical properties of speech sounds.
(3) Perceptual (Auditory) Phonetics is concerned with the perception of speech sounds.
(1) 发音语言学研究语音的发生。
(2) 声学语音学研究语音的物质特征。
(3) 感知语音学(或听觉语音学)研究语音的感知。
3.Phonology (音系学)
Phonology is the study of sound systems of languages, in another word, it studies the way in which speakers of a certain language systematically use a selection of these sounds in order to express meanings.
II. Speech Organs (发音器官)
▼1. Gestures
Most speech sounds are made by movements of the tongue and the lips, and these movements are called gestures, as compared to gestures made by hands. The gestures of the tongue and lips are made audible so that they can be heard and recognized.
2.Speech organs (发音器官)
Also known as Vocal Organs, are those parts of human body involved in the production of speech, including lungs, the trachea (or windpipe), the throat, the nose, and the mouth.
3.Voiceless sounds (清音)
The sounds produced without causing vibration of the vocal cords.
4.Voiced sounds (浊音)
The sounds produced with causing vibration of the vocal cords.
5.IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) (国际音标)
(1) IPA is a standardized and internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription.
(2) Its basic principle is using a different letter for each distinguishable speech sounds.
(3) With minor modification it is now still used by phoneticians and linguists.
(1) 国际音标是一个标准的、被国际上广泛接受的语音描述系统。
(2) 它的基本原则是用不同的字母符号来表示不同的发音。
(3) 经过几次修正,目前国际音标仍然被语音学家和语言学家广泛使用。
III. Consonants and Vowels辅音和元音
(1) Consonants are sounds produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract at some places to divert, impede or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity.
(2) Vowels are sounds produced without obstruction, so no turbulence or a total stopping of the air can be perceived.
(1) 发音时,声道的某些部位受到压缩或阻碍后,使得气流在口腔里转向、受阻或完全被阻塞,由此产生的音叫做辅音。
(2) 发音时,声道不受任何压缩或阻碍,因此不会有气流的紊乱或停滞,由此产生的音叫做元音。
2.Consonants (辅音)
(1) Manner of Articulation and Place of Articulation (发音方式和发音部位)
①Manner of Articulation refers to the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way in which the air passes through certain parts of the vocal tract.
②Place of Articulation refers to where in the vocal tract there is approximation, narrowing, or the obstruction of air.
(2) Classification of Consonants (辅音的分类)
①In terms of manners of articulation, consonants can be grouped into stops, nasals, fricatives, approximants, laterals and affricates.
stops: [p, b, t, ,d, k, g]
nasals: [m, n, ŋ]
fricatives: [f, v, θ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, h]
approximants: [w, ɹ, j]
lateral: [l]
affricates: [ts, dz, tr, dr]
爆破音: [p, b, t, ,d, k, g]
鼻音: [m, n, ŋ]
擦音: [f, v, θ, ð, s, z, ʃ, ʒ, h]
近音: [w, ɹ, j]
边音: [l]
颤音: [ts, dz, tr, dr]
②In terms of place of articulation, the consonants can be grouped into bilabials, labiodentals, dentals, alveolars, postalveolars, retroflex, palatals, velars, uvulars, pharyngeals, and glottal.
bilabials: [p, b, m]
labiodentals :[f, v]
dentals: [θ, ð]
alveolars: [t, d, n, s, z, ɹ, l ]
postalveolars: [ʃ, ʒ]
palatal: [j]
velars: [k, g, ŋ]
glottal: [h]
双唇音: [p, b, m]
唇齿音:[f, v]
齿音: [θ, ð]
齿龈音: [t, d, n, s, z, ɹ, l ]
齿音后音: [ʃ, ʒ]
硬腭音: [j]
软腭音: [k, g, ŋ]
声门音: [h]
3.Vowel (元音)
(1) Cardinal vowels (基本元音)
The cardinal vowels are a set of vowel qualities arbitrarily defined, fixed and unchanging, intended to provide a frame of reference for the description of the actual vowels of existing languages.
(2) Criteria of vowel description (元音的划分标准)
The height of tongue raising (high, mid, low)
The position of the highest part of the tongue (front, central, back)
The length or tenseness of the vowel (tense vs. lax or long vs. short)
lip-rounding (rounded vs. unrounded)
(3) Monophthongs, Diphthongs and Triphthongs (单元音,双元音,三元音)
Monophthong: They are those pure vowels that have an unchanging quality, either from the number or the constant quality.
Diphthong: If a single movement from one element to a second element of the tongue is involved, the combing vowels are called diphthongs.
Triphthong: If two movements from one element to a second, then from the second to the third of the tongue are involved, the combing vowels are called triphthongs.
IV. Coarticulation and Phonetic Transcriptions (协同发音与语音转写)
*1. Coarticulation (协同发音)
The process of simultaneous or overlapping articulations when sounds show the influence of their neighbors, including anticipatory coarticulation and perseverative coarticulation.
(1) Anticipatory coarticulation: When the sound becomes more like the following sound, as in the case of lamb, it is called anticipatory coarticulation.
(2) Perseverative coarticulation: If the sound shows the influence of the preceding sound, it is a preservative coarticulation, as in the case of map.
(1) 如果发音的变化是倾向于后音的特质(如lamp),就称为前期协同发音。
(2) 如果发音显示出前面语音的影响(如map),则称之为后滞协同发音。
*2. Phonetic Transcription (语音转写)
(1) When we try to symbolize all the possible speech sounds, including even the minutest shades of pronunciation, it is called narrow transcription.
(2) When we use a set of simple symbols in our transcription, trying to indicate only those sounds capable of distinguishing one word from another in a given language, it is called broad transcription.
(1) 当我们用复杂的符号精确地标记语音所有可能的细小变化时,我们称之为“严式转写”。
(2) 当我们用一套简单的符号记音,试图把一个词与其他的词区别开来时,我们称之为“宽式转写”。
V. Phonemes and Allophones (音位和音位变体)
【考点:区分phone, phoneme, allophone】
1.Phoneme (音位)
Phoneme is a basic unit of phonological study, and it is an abstract collection of phonetic features which can distinguish meaning.
①Minimal Pair: When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound segment in the same place in strings, the two words are said to form a minimal pair.
②Phone: It is a basic unit of phonetic study, and it is a minimal sound segment that human speech organ can produce.
2.Allophones (音位变体)
The different realizations of the same phoneme in different phonetic environments are called allophones.
①Complementary distribution: When two or more than two allophones of the same phoneme do not distinguish meaning and occur in different phonetic environments, then the allophones are said to be in complementary distribution.
*②Free variation: If two sounds occurring in the same environment do not contrast; that’s to say, if the substitution of one for the other does not generate a new word form but merely a different pronunciation of the same word, the two sounds then can be seen as in free variation.
③Phonemic contrast: If the phonetically similar sounds are two distinctive phonemes, e.g. [p] and [b] in “pit” and “bit”, they are said to form a phonemic contrast.
③如果最小对立体中的两个音位出现在同一位置并且能够区别意义,例如[pit]和[bit], 那么这两个音位就构成了音位对立。
VI. Phonological Processes and Distinctive Features (音系过程和区别特征)
1.Phonological processes (音系过程)
Phonological processes are the processes in which target or affected segment undergoes a structural change in certain environments or context, which include (1) a set of sounds to undergo the process, (2) a set of sounds produced by the process and (3) a set of situations in which the process applies.
音系过程是“目标”或“受影响的音段”在特定环境中(语境中)发生结构上的变化的过程。任何音系过程包括:(1) 一套会产生音系过程的语音;(2) 一套经历了音系过程的语音;(3) 音系过程得以发生的条件。
2.Assimilation (同化)
The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by copying a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar, which includes nasalization, dentalization and velarization.
It includes progressive assimilation and regressive assimilation.
Progressive assimilation refers to the process in which a following sound is influenced by a preceding sound, making the two sounds similar.
Regressive assimilation refers to the process, in which a preceding sound is influenced by a following sound, making the two sounds similar.
*3. Distinctive features (区别性特征)
They are those features which are phonologically relevant properties and can distinguish meaning, for example, plosiveness, bilabiality, and voicelessness in English phonology.
VII. Suprasegmentals (超音段特征)
1.Suprasegmental features (超音段特征)
The features that occur above the level of the segments and can distinguish meanings are called suprasegmental features, which include syllable, stress, intonation and tone.
2.The Syllable Structure (音节结构)
A syllable can be divided into two parts, the rhyme and the onset. As the vowel within the rhyme is the nucleus, the consonant(s) after it will be termed the coda. All syllables must have a nucleus but not all syllables contain an onset and a coda. A syllable with a coda is a closed syllable while a syllable that has no coda is called an open syllable. Take the word cracked for example. Its syllable can be shown as follows:
▼3. Sonority Scale(响音阶)
In English, consonant clusters in onset and coda positions disallow many consonant combinations, which is explained by the work of sonority scale. The degree of sonority of different classes of sound affects their possible positions in the syllable.
▼4. Stress(重音)
It refers to the degree of force in producing a syllable. 重音指在音节发音时所用的力度。
(1) Change of the stresses due to suffixes(后缀对重音的影响)
Some suffixes may change the position of the stress. For example, 'chaos, cha'otic, com'municate, communi'cation, 'humid, hu'midity. But the suffix -ive does not make such a change, so we have com'municative, not communi'cative.
(2) Stresses in compounds and phrases(复合词和词组中的重音)
Besides, alternations of stress often occur between compounds and phrases as well. A 'blackboard is used in the classroom for teachers to write on whereas a black'board is any piece of board that is black in color.
5.Intonation and Tone (语调和声调)
(1) Intonation (语调)
Intonation involves the occurrence of recurring fall-rise patterns, each of which is used with a set of relatively consistent meanings, either on single words or on groups of words of varying length.
(2) Tone (声调)
Tones are pitch variations, which are caused by the different rates of vibration of the vocal cords.
▼①Tone change(音调变化)
Tones in tone language are not always fixed because identical adjacent tones do produce tone changes. In Mandarin Chinese, for instance, if two syllables (Chinese characters) with the same 214 tone occur consecutively, then the rule is for the first syllable to change to the 35 tone. This phenomenon is called tone sandhi.
▼②OCP in tone change(必异规则)
Tone sandhi leads to a general rule that also covers epenthesis in segmental phonology: Obligatory Contour Principle (OCP), which is the opposite of assimilation and applies to many cases involving phonological change due to adjacent occurrences of identical sound segments or suprasegmentals like tone and stress patterns.