四 结语
Two Structural Problems of Turkey's Foreign Policy:Kurdish Issue and Westernization of FP
Li Bingzhong
Abstract:Turkey's foreign policy has had two significant structural dynamics since the foundation of Republic:one is the Kurdish issue and the other is the relationship with the West.Theoretically,Turkey can build its soft power through effectively management of the Kurdish issue domestically and regionally,and through building on its strong links with the West.But practically,there are more and more interest conflicts between Turkey and the West,and it has also proved complicated for Turkey to manage the Kurdish issue successfully.It is unrealistic for Turkey to break away from the cage,but it can enlarge the cage through building its power and smart foreign policy to find a place fit well with its strength,while waiting for the great transformation on the regional and international scales.If Turkey wants to break the cage violently,it is easily to cause some conflicts with neighbor countries or cause conflict with big powers.But at last,the West need to accept Turkey who pursues an independent foreign policy.
Keywords:Turkey;Kurdish Issue;Westernization of Turkey's Foreign Policy
Author Profile:Li Bingzhong is a Professor, Vice Dean of the school of History and Civilization and Director of the Center for Turkish Studies of Shaanxi Normal University, China. He was a honorary member at the Center for Arab-Islamic Civilization in Exeter University, UK. His research interests are Turkish Studies, Kurdish issue and the European Union.
[1]本文系国家社科基金重点项目“土耳其国家治理难题研究”的阶段性成果(项目编号: 17ASS003)。
[2] Emiliano Alessandri,Ian Lesser,Kadri Tastan,“EU-Turkey Relations:Steering in Stormy Seas,” German Marshall Fund,No.31,July 2018.
[3] 国内外学术界还鲜有将库尔德问题和土耳其西化外交综合考量的文章,较多的讨论是土耳其的西化外交,20世纪90年代后有较多的学者注意到库尔德问题对土耳其外交的影响。“库尔德因素对土耳其外交有重要影响……冷战时期土耳其奉行亲西方外交,将自身的国家利益与西方绑架在一起,特别是与美国的利益。”参见Omer Taspinar,Kurdish Nationalism and Political Islam in Turkey,New York&London:Routledge,2005,pp.166-167。土耳其曾经是西方在中东的坚定盟友,然而西方导向的土耳其凯末尔主义精英们开始质疑土耳其与西方的联系。2008年民调显示,土耳其是世界上对美国评价最低的国家。同样,土耳其大部分人都在怀疑加入欧盟的可能性。参见Philip H.Gordon and Omer Taspinar,Winning Turkey:How America,Europe and Turkey can Revive a Fading Partnership,Washington:Brookings Institution Press,2008;纵观土耳其整个现代史,其外交政策的主要目标就是成为西方的一员,成为西方真正的盟友。参见Yücel Bozdağlιoğlu,Turkish Foreign Policy and Turkish Identity:A Constructivist Approach,New York&London:Routledge,2003,p.57。
[5]土耳其西化的历史至少有200年,这种西化本质上是对西方挑战在军事、政治、经济和文化领域刺激的反应,但外交政策的西化则是较晚的现象。有学者认为,土耳其的反美主义属于主权-民族主义式的反美主义,即美国在中东过度卷入的背景下,土耳其担心主权受损,由此产生了民族主义的反弹,导致美国形象在土耳其的恶化。参见Ioannis N.Grigoriadis,“Friends No More? The Rise of Anti-American Nationalism in Turkey,” Middle East Journal,Vol.64,No.1,Winter,2010。
[6] 反美情绪指的是土耳其与美国就相关问题产生越来越多的歧见,但并非反对美国或者美国的价值观,但这一趋势正在发生某些质变。另文讨论。
[7] George C. McGhee,“Turkey joins the West,”Foreign Affairs,1953,Vol.32,No.1.
[8] Estimate of the will and ability of Turkey to maintain its alignment with the West,and the courses of action Turkey might follow in the event of war.Central Intelligence Agency,26 Feb.1951,U.S.Declassified Documents Online,http://tinyurl.galegroup.com/tinyurl/4yQwj2.Accessed 28 June 2017.
[9] Yucel Bozdaglioglu,Turkish Foreign Policy and Turkish Identity,Routledge,2003,p.60.
[10] 1963年希族领导人马卡里奥斯暂时中止了《祖鲁-伦敦协定》,决定重新修改宪法,意在建立一个希族全权统治下的独立的塞浦路斯国家。土耳其谋求用武力保护土族塞浦路斯利益,伊诺努总理将土方意图通知了美方。美国政府担忧土耳其武装干涉将导致土耳其和希腊间的战争,进而为苏联势力进入东地中海提供借口。为此,林登·约翰逊总统向伊诺努传递了措辞严厉且极不友好的警告,指出土耳其一旦由于此举引发苏联的介入,美国和北约都不会为土耳其的安全而战,土耳其被迫放弃该计划。
[11] Ömer.Taşpιnar,“The Anatomy of Anti-Americanism in Turkey,” The Brookings Institution,Nov.16,2005.
[12] Abbas Vali,Kurds and the State in Iran:The Making of Kurdish Identity,London:I.B.Tauris& Co Ltd,2011,p.38.
[13] Michael M.Gunter,“United States Foreign Policy towards the Kurds,”in The Kurdish Question in U.S.Foreign Policy,2004,p.3.
[14] Paul Henze provides Zbigniew Brzezinski with his evening report.Topics include:President Jimmy Carter's Decision to Provide Additional Economic Assistance to Turkey; Afghan Coup Plans; Ethiopian-U.S.Relations; Chinese-Ethiopian Relations; Greek Political Situation. National Security Council,26 Mar.1979,U.S.DeclassifiedDocuments Online,http://tinyurl.galegroup.com/tinyurl/6c47c7.Accessed 2 June 2018.
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[16]Telcon,President's Meeting with Prime Minister Turgut Ozal of Turkey,1990-08-03,Bush Presidential Records,George Bush Presidential library.
[17]Telcon,Telcon with Turgut Ozal,President of Turkey,1991-04-02,Bush Presidential Records,George Bush Presidential library.
[18]Telcon,Telcon with Turgut Ozal,President of Turkey,1991-04-15, Bush Presidential Records,George Bush Presidential library.
[19]Michael M.Gunter,The Kurds:A Modern History,Princeton:Markus Wiener Publishers,2017,p.38.
[20]Telcon,Telcon with Turgut Ozal,President of Turkey,1991-06-13,Bush Presidential Records,George Bush Presidential library.
[21]Telcon,President's Meeting with Turgul Ozal,President of Turkey ,1991-07-20,Bush Presidential Records,George Bush Presidential library.
[22] Clemence Scalbert-Yucel,“The ‘Liberalization’ of Turkish Policy towards the Kurdish Language:the Influence of External Actors,” in Robert Lowe and Gareth Stansfield,eds.,The kuridsh Policy Imperative,Chatham House,2010,p.121.
[23]Michael M.Gunter,The Kurds:A Modern History,p.42.
[24]Memcon,Meeting with Prime Minister Suleyman Demirel of Turkey,President of Turkey,1992-07-09, Bush Presidential Records,George Bush Presidential library.
[25] CIA,National Intelligence Estimates,The Kurds:Rising Expectations,Old Frustrations,September 1992,Secret.
[26] CIA,National Intelligence Estimates,The Kurds:Rising Expectations,Old Frustrations,September 1992,Secret.
[27] Ofra Bengio,“The Turkish-Israeli Relationship-changing ties of Middle Eastern Outside,” Palgrave,2004,pp.9-10.
[28]Kerim Yildiz,The kurds in Turkey:EU Accession and Human Rights, London:Pluto Press,2005,pp.120-121.
[29]Ian O.Lesser,“Beyond Suspicioin,Rethinking US-Turkish Relations”.
[30] Hamit Bozarslan,“Kurds and the Turkish state,”The Cambridge History of Turkey,Vol.4,2008,p.355.
[31]Kerim Yildiz,The Kurds in Turkey:EU Accession and Human Rights, London:Pluto Press,2005,p.121.
[32]Aliza Marcus,Blood and Belief:The PKK and the Kurdish Fight for Independence,New York University press,2007,p.301.
[33]Kerim Yildiz,The Kurds in Turkey:EU Accession and Human Rights,p.119.
[34] 库尔德民主联盟党是土耳其库尔德工人党的叙利亚分支。
[35] Michael M.Gunter,The Kurds:A Modern History,p.126.
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