The issue of……is of great interest to many people.
The issue of whether the practice of requiring students to wear school uniforms will affect their personality and individuality is of great interest to many people.
这一段翻译过来是“关于要求学生穿校服是否会影响到他们的性格和个性的问题引起了很多人的兴趣。”大家可以一目了然地看到,句型套路只占了整个句子的一小部分,还是有相当大的空间留出来给写作者进行自由发挥和灵活创造的。更为重要的是你完全可以借用部分题中的原词(例如practice, personality, individuality),然后对其他的关键词进行同义词的转换:demand→require, undermine→affect,这样既有模仿又有创新的写法是雅思写作中最完美的结合。其实雅思写作中并不需要很大的词汇量以及那些特别深奥的词汇,只需要考生有较强的换词能力。
The topic of……is of great concern for many parents.
The topic of whether it is appropriate and effective to use corporal punishment on young children is of great concern for many parents.
上一句翻译过来是“关于对小孩子进行体罚是否恰当及有效的这个话题引起了许多父母的关注。”相似的是,subject, importance, scientists也能成为一个绝妙的组合:
The subject of……is of great importance to many scientists.
The subject of how to find solutions to many problems created by the rapid development of today’s high technology is of great importance to many scientists.
The issue of whether universities should provide"pure"knowledge or work-related knowledge and skills is of great interest to many educators.To my way of thinking, both sides of the argument can be justified to a certain extent, and we need to look into the issue more thoroughly and thought fully to understand the controversy.
该段的重述部分对套路句型略作修改,把原来的people变为educators,使之更符合教育话题,并在套路中采用whether……or……的选择句式,把pure knowledge与work-related knowledge and skills进行对比,从而把原题中正、反双方(即some people和others)的观点摆了出来。
接下来的中心论点以固定词组to my way of thinking引出,指出双方在某种程度上都有一定的理由(be justified to a certain extent),并需要对该问题进行更彻底、更详尽地研究(look into the issue more thoroughly and thoughtfully)。我们可把整句话看作一种固定的写作套句,只要是“探讨双方型”(Discuss both sides)的题型,我们都可以把它当作中心论点写在重述句之后。
The topic of who are in the position to change our natural environment for the better is of great concern for the general public.To my mind, while governments and large companies certainly play an essential role, individuals can also contribute to the cause of environmental protection in a significant way.
与上一段相似的是,该引言段也化用了套路,把最后的many parents换作the general public(公众,民众),注意中间的change our natural environment for the better 就是原题中的improve the environment。中心论点部分以To my mind带出,指出政府和大企业的确可起到关键的作用(certainly play an essential role),而个人也能为环境保护做出重大的贡献(contribute to the cause of environmental protection in a significant way)。
接下来,我们用discussion代替原先的issue, topic, subject,然后把句末的人物概念变成国家。
The discussion about……is of great significance to both industrialized and underdeveloped nations.
The discussion about the most efficient way to give financial and technological assistance to the Third World is of great significance to both industrialized and underdeveloped nations.
在接下来的替换句型里面,我们除了用较为新颖的question作为主语之外,还做了一个大胆而正确的尝试,即把前面相对固定的be of great+N.的结构换成be a matter of much contention这样一种地道的表达方式,并将句尾的受众扩大为整个general public: