




夏威夷大学博士,戴维斯加州大学东亚语文系中文部主任,校第二语言习得研究所执行理事,语言学系研究生(硕博士)导师组成员。主要专业兼职为全美中文教师学会常务理事和加州中文教师协会副会长。曾在斯坦福大学、北京语言学院等学校任教多年。研究领域为汉语语言学,认知语义学,汉语L2的教学和习得,语料库和计量语言学,以及电脑技术在汉语教学中的应用。发表中英文学术论文20余篇,专著《位移事件在中文里的认知和表达》即将出版;主持完成“汉语中介语语料库系统”和中文L2 教材编写软件“中文助教(ChineseTA)”等多个中文L2研究项目。



Yuehua Liu

A graduate of the Chinese Department of Peking University, Yuehua Liu was Professor in Chinese at the Beijing Language and Culture University. In 1989, she continued her professional career in the United States and had taught Chinese at Wellesley College, MIT, and Harvard University for many years. Her research concentrated on modern Chinese grammar, especially grammar for teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Her major publications include Practical Modern Chinese Grammar(co-author), Comprehensive Studies of Chinese Directional Comple-ments, and Writings on Chinese Grammar as well as the Chinese textbook series Integrated Chinese (chief editor) and the au-dio-video textbook set Learning Advanced Colloquial Chinese from TV(co-author).

Chengzhi Chu

Ph.D., University of Hawaii. Chu is Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Chinese Language Program at the University of California, Davis, where he also serves on the Executive Board of the Second Language Acquisition Institute and is a member of the Graduate Faculty Group of Linguistics. He is a board member of the Chinese Language Teachers Association (USA) and Vice President of the Chinese Language Teachers Association of California. He taught at Stanford University and Beijing Language and Culture University for many years. He has published more than 20 articles on topics in Chinese linguistics, Chinese peda-gogy, and cognitive semantics, and has a forthcoming book on motion conceptualization and representation in Chinese. He was PI of two major software projects in Chinese pedagogy and ac-quisition: Chinese TA and the Corpus of Chinese Interlanguage.

Lingshu Wang

Senior Reporter, a professional writer, and a member of All-China Writers Association and Chinese Reportage Association, Wang has written widely on social issues of modern China. His literary and research works include The Fallen Little Sun, Looking for Love, Get out of the Blind Area of Private Tutoring, An Aria for the Half-World, A Portrait of Stars, About Men of Mark, and Secret Weapons on the Arena of Journalism.