
第7章 Echoes of the Past: Ideas and Voices

The publication of Policy Proposals by China Center for Special Economic Zone Research(1996-2017)commemorates the 40thanniversary of China's Reform and Opening-Up, and contains articles from Suggestions Leaflets, an internal journal established by the China Center for Special Economic Zone Research(CCSEZR).

Suggestions Leaflets was established in 1996 by the late economist and famed founder of Shenzhen University's Theoretical Economics Department, Professor Su Dongbin, and is a product of his innovative thinking, intelligence and courage. On an afternoon in 1996, just past Chinese New Year, and having invited a circle of friends for tea, he proposed thus:“Let us put these ideas we have been discussing onto paper and disseminate them. Let us distribute something internally, concise and focused on theory, in order to stir up debate. ”The project was named Suggestions Leaflets after Zhonghua Book's 1960s compilation, Literary Readings, and in such a way a one-man editing team was born.

During the first 2 years of Suggestions Leaflets' existence, Professor Su was its editor and virtually its only contributor: even after 15 years, he remained its principal author and it could be said without exaggeration that two-thirds of the journal's advice came from him. From his“Little Things”(the nickname he used for his articles), each no longer than a thousand characters, one can fully appreciate his knowledge, judgment, conscience and vocation, and the journal, distributed internally without schedule, quickly became a highly- read and anticipated publication.

Professor Su set out the principles of Suggestions Leaflets as such: concise, theoretical, and welcoming of debate. To this day the journal continues to adhere to these principles, whose 22 years of existence bear witness to their truth and vitality.

Suggestions Leaflets has seen publication 4 times in compilation form: the first was in 2005, its 9thanniversary. Professor Su prefaced it by explaining the journal's origins and emphasizing its 2 main characteristics: clarity of focus and constructiveness.“Clarity of focus”saw each article discuss theoretical problems derived from real-world issues, critically and judgmentally if necessary; while“constructiveness”saw the journal eschew rants or parodies in favor of viable advice towards improvement, innovation and reform.

In Professor Su's words, bearing his trademark frankness, magnanimity, intelligence and wit:“We all know what this journal is for, and the praise and influence it has garnered. Important figures have commented on it, but all the same, we must remember the difference between theory and practice, and never expect that all our advice be carried out by the powers-that-be. History will ultimately judge the worth of our recommendations. ”

The second time Suggestions Leaflets saw publication was in 2006, the 10thyear of establishment. Tapping into his literary prowess, this time Professor Su prefaced the compilation with a line from the Song patriotic poem“The Deepening of Autumn Beauty”:“Frost Heralds the Chrysanthemums”. Looking back, it seems that the Professor's sentiments were not so much aligned with romanticism of the frost or the flowers, nor with the scenery expressed in“The light reflects into the window/Illuminates the steep and winding path”, but instead sympathized with the passage of time in lines such as“Sitting as the years go by/Watching my hair grow white”, and with the intellectual's patriotic concern for the nation:“Who will be our sage of Dongshan/He who defeated the foe so easily? ”

The introduction began thus:“It is on this fine day that we mark the passing of 10 years. Suggestions Leaflets, founded by me and approved by the President of Shenzhen University, has now become an influential little celebrity, proving the not-insignificant adage that“we make our own destinies”…Professor Su was of course comforted and delighted by the journal's growth over 10 years, with those who knew him understanding that behind the lighthearted, witty words lay much hardship and pressure. Adages, ultimately, are only proven through perseverance and hard work.

One thing to note was the establishment of Shenzhen University's China Center for Special Economic Zone Research in 2000 on account of the University's strength in SEZ research, and CCSEZR's designation by the Ministry of Education in 2001 as a“Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Science”. With this rise in status, Suggestions Leaflets was also elevated as an“Internal Journal for Policymaking and Advising”. As Professor Su noted, from 2002 onwards, the journal became a referential series within the CCSEZR, catalogued for the Center's research purposes. Then University President Zhang Bigong quoted Confucius to congratulate the journal's second publication:“Is there a single phrase that can make a country great? ”

The third time Suggestions Leaflets saw publication was in March 2007, only 6 months after the second publication and mainly for updating purposes. The Preface itself was barely changed, save for a single sentence:“Taking advantage of re-publication, I now add on a few recent‘Little Things' as both a commemoration and a little conclusion. ”

Professor Su wrote 4 out of the 5 new additions in his typically-focused and patriotic manner. In an article titled“On The Question on Education Posed by Qian Xuesen”, he quoted from Marx's Comments on The Latest Prussian Censorship Instruction:“You admire the delightful variety, the inexhaustible riches of nature. You do not demand that the rose should smell like the violet, but must the greatest riches of all, the spirit, exist in only one variety? ”

I believe Professor Su's answer lay in the following advice he wrote, made in a spirit of utmost concern:“The Central Committee should first adopt a new way of thinking beyond merely expanding the number of universities; then we can begin thinking about building and rebuilding the system to nurture real talent. ”

The third publication was printed as Professor Su was diagnosed with cancer and had just finished treatment. Looking back, it is hard not to feel pained when reading his“little conclusion”.

The fourth publication of Suggestions Leaflets was on October 2011, the 15th year of the journal, and by this time Professor Su had been greatly weakened by the trials and tribulations of his late-stage cancer and subsequent treatment. I myself pleaded with him not to take on the journal's burdens himself, and instead leave it to somebody else… but he insisted and topped it off with a short but memorable preface.

Initially, with its poetic opening:“Frosted leaves seem redder than spring flowers”, I saw another example of Professor Su's romanticisms. By the end, I was in tears. For this preface, written in its unique way by such a strong and dignified man, was Professor Su's farewell to the“Little Things”he created, the final sentences of a life dedicated to the journal.

I quote Professor Su's preface below:“When I first established this Journal, not even in my wildest dreams would I have imagined this Little Thing turning 15:perhaps this is what they mean by“The carelessly-planted willow growing into shade”?“Plants possess their own worth/And need not be validated by a beauty's plucking”… our motivation comes from breaking down taboos and pursuing intellectual freedom, and for this we thank our era, and especially our dearest, faithful readers! ”

In February 2012, Professor Su submitted his final article to Suggestions Leaflets:“Do Not Confuse the Form of Transition with the Goal of Reform”,exhorting authorities to“soon end this transitory half- market, half- planned economic phase, and establish a real market economy. ”Several days later, Professor Su's condition worsened and he was readmitted into 301 Hospital in Beijing, passing away on 20thMay 2012. We lost a dignified and admirable scholar, and Heaven gained a righteous, witty and passionate thinker.

In truth, it should be us and our descendants who should be thanking Professor Su. I believe every reader of Suggestions Leaflets, at present or in the future, deeply appreciates the effort one scholar made to this University, this research organization and this thinktank by establishing this internal journal of such historical merit. Within it, the journal contains countless theoretically-valuable and practically-relevant ideas, done in the spirit of criticism and with the goal of promoting the Comprehensive Deepening of Reform.

In my opinion, the ability to remember is a virtue, whether it be on a country, national or collective level. Remembrance of those who had sacrificed, those who left behind spiritual and ideational treasures, and those who had helped-not only does it respect past history and conscience, it also challenges and motivates us in the present. In this sense the publication of Policy Proposals by China Center for Special Economic Zone Research(1996- 2017)represents not just a commemoration of its founder, but also a compilation and record of the growth of Shenzhen University's China Center for Special Economic Zone Research, and I believe that this is what its founder would have wanted.

From Professor Su's last article in February 2012 to May 2013, Suggestions Leaflets ceased publication. On one hand this was due to the shock and transitions following its editor's death, on the other we also had to determine the journal's future trajectory in the wake of all that had happened. Thinking back, perhaps the brief period of non-publication was a commemoration of its founder but, of course, we all knew that the best commemoration we could hold was one where innovation and discussion continued unabated.

As such, Suggestions Leaflets officially restarted publishing on May 2015. In the spirit of respect towards its founder, we continue to hold fast to the ideals behind the journal's initial publication. To ensure the journal's regular operations and to expand its scope of ideas and debate, we have established a stable contributors' group, edited by Dr. Yong Wei, an overseas returnee from Japan's Yokohama City University. At present, the Journal has become a key policy-advising item for Shenzhen University's development into a high-quality university, and I believe that its founder would be much pleased with these developments.

Policy Proposals by China Center for Special Economic Zone Research(1996-2017), published on the 40thyear of China's reform and opening up, represents a compiled and curated set of more than 173 articles dating from 1996 to 2017, covering almost all articles published by Suggestions Leaflets(which has to this date published 193 articles). These articles may represent concern with the theory behind China's reform and opening up, with the development of Special Economic Zones, with general developmental issues, with the pace of reform, or with analysis and criticism of practical problems-but all of them display intellectual conscience, academic responsibility, and organizational vocation in a faithful and scientific manner. And in such a sense, this book carries with it the ideas, voices and echoes of the past.

Professor Tao Yitao

7thFebruary 2018

Sangtai Danhuayuan