068【美国人“坚持”己见,偏爱这么说!】I insist that...我坚持认为……
I insist that you accept these gifts. 我坚持要你收下这些礼物。
I insist that he apologize to me. 我坚持要他向我道歉。
I insist that you come. 我坚持要你来。
I insist that he is innocent. 我坚持认为他是无辜的。
I insist on his innocence. 我坚持认为他是无辜的。
I insist upon a refund of the full amount. 我坚决要求全额退款。
I insist on asking him to give us an explanation. 我坚持要求他给我们一个解释。
1.A: She must apologize to us for her impolite attitude. I insist.她必须为她不礼貌的态度向我们道歉。我坚决要求。
B: Oh, come on. Just let it go, okay?噢,算了吧。让这件事过去吧,好吗?
2.A: Why are you so late? You should have come back before supper.怎么回来得这么迟啊?你应该在吃晚饭之前就回来的呀。
B: Don't even mention it. The vegetable I first bought was not fresh and I insisted that they give me back full refund. And then, I went to another supermarket.别提了。我一开始拿的蔬菜不新鲜,我坚持要求他们给我全额退款了。后来我又去了另一家超市。
3.A: Oh, you don't have to bring me all these flowers. Take some back, please?噢,你不必给我带这么多花的。带一些回去,好吗?
B: Keep all of them, I insist.我坚持要求你都收下。
“I insist...”不仅可以放在句首引导句子,同时还可以单独成句,加在一个句子后面,用以加强语气。
温馨提示:“I insist...”这样的句式态度显得很坚决。比如坚决要求他人说明或是道歉。但是,如果是朋友之间的对话,如对话例句三中那样,就可以看出二人之间亲密的关系。