50 magn

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magnanimous = magn + anim + ous
释 [mæɡˈnænɪməs] a. 宽宏大量的,宽大的
解 magn表示“大的”,anim表示“心”,-ous表示“…的”,有宽大的心,即“宽宏大量的,宽大的”。
例 He was magnanimous in public. 他在公开场合表现得宽容大度。
magnitude = magn + itude
释 [ˈmæɡnɪtuːd] n. 大小,量级
解 magn表示“大的”,-tude表“状态”,大的样子,即“大小,量级”。
例 Dependable production is just as important as the magnitude of output. 可靠的生产和巨大的生产量一样重要。
magnate = magn + ate
释 [ˈmæɡneɪt] n. 巨头,富豪
解 magn表示“大的”,-ate表示“…的人”,大人物,即“巨头,富豪”。
例 He became a multimillionaire magnate in the retail industry. 他成了一位身价数千万的零售业巨头。
■ 词汇拓展营
magnetism [ˈmæɡnətɪzəm] n. 磁力;吸引力
magnet [ˈmæɡnət] n. 磁铁,磁石
magnetic [mæɡˈnetɪk] a. 有磁性的;有吸引力的
magnify [ˈmæɡnɪfaɪ] v. 放大;赞美
magnificent [mæɡˈnɪfɪsnt] a. 壮丽的,宏伟的
■ 词缀一家亲
1. -ous (…的) delicious a. 美味的,可口的
2. -tude (表状态) multitude n. 多数;群众
3. -ate (…的人) graduate n. 毕业生;研究生
I. 搜索关键词:请将下列单词的正确形式填入句子中,使句子完整。
illustrate prologue alleviate juvenile harass
1. Nowadays, a great deal can be done to ______ back pain.
2. Let me give another example to ______ this diffi cult point.
3. The ______ to the novel is written in the form of a newspaper account.
4. I will not tolerate ______ or any other form of misconduct.
5. The number of ______ in the general population has fallen by a fi fth in the past 10 years.
答案: 1. alleviate 2. illustrate 3. prologue 4. harassment 5. juveniles
II. 复习对对碰:请将下列词汇和英文词义配对。
malice deject rejection additive magnate
A. to feel frustrated
B. a person who is rich, powerful and successful, especially in business
C. refusal to accept or consider something
D. a feeling of hatred for somebody that causes a desire to harm them
E. a substance that is added in small amounts to something, in order to improve it
答案:malice—D; deject—A; rejection—C; additive—E; magnate—B
III. 备忘笔记本:请写出以下词根、词缀的含义和相关词,写不出来的部分要重点学习、记忆哦!
1. magn _________________________
2. luc _________________________
3. log, locu _________________________
4. lev _________________________
5. jun, juven _________________________
Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.
—Thomas Charles Fuller