第127章 26th June,1838
To the Rev.A.Brandram (Endorsed:recd.July 5,1838)MADRID,JUNE 26,1838.
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-I shall not be able to send the documents in question,as they are lodged in the archives,and are now become state-papers.Those that relate to the affair at Malaga I have not yet been able to obtain a perusal of;it will therefore perhaps suffice for the present to say that in one of them the Government was stigmatized as being 'VORAZ DE PESETAS'(voracious of pesetas),and the Catholic religion termed 'UN SISTEMA DEL MAS GROSEROFANATISMO'(a system of the grossest fanaticism).It was well for the writer of this trash that the Government were at the time alarmed at the step which they had taken in imprisoning myself,and did not wish to press the matter home:otherwise he could not have escaped so easily as he did.Yet what must we think of an Englishman,who,relying for protection on the fear and respect which the mighty country to which he belongs everywhere inspires,visits a Spanish town in a state of revolution -as Malaga was -and,for the bringing about a particular object,adds to the ferment by appealing to already excited passions?But I shall not dwell further on this subject.The Society are already aware of the results of the visit of our friend to Malaga,all their Bibles and Testaments having been seized throughout Spain,with the exception of my stock in Madrid (upwards of 3000)-Count Ofalia having in a communication to Sir George declared that he had full confidence in my honour and good faith,being well persuaded that Iharboured no designs but those I professed.
I send you on the other side some extracts from one of the tracts which purports to be 'A true history of the Virgin of Sorrows,to whom Don Carlos,the Rebel and Fanatic,has dedicated his cause,and the ignorance which he trumpets.'The one,however,which has given most offence is 'A Catechism on the Principal Controversies between Protestants and Catholics,'translated from the English.
I now await your orders.I wish to know whether I am at liberty to pursue the course which may seem to me best under existing circumstances,and which at present appears to be to mount my horses which are neighing in the stable,and once more to betake myself to the plains and mountains of dusty Spain,and to dispose of my Testaments to the muleteers and peasants.By doing so Ishall employ myself usefully,and at the same time avoid giving offence.Better days will soon arrive,which will enable me to return to Madrid and reopen my shop;till then,however,I should wish to pursue my labours in comparative obscurity.
I remain,Revd.and dear Sir,most truly yours,GEORGE BORROW.
P.S.-I am engaged in translating the Acts of the Apostles into Basque.
On the fly-leaf of this letter appear the following extracts.
Historia Verdadera de la Virjen Dolorosa a Quien el rebelde y fanatico D.Carlos Ha Dedicado su causa y la ignorancia que Pregona.
P.17.'Echase de ver en todos estos epitetos grandiosos prodigados a Maria la obra del enemigo de Dios,el cual,ensencialmente idolatra,ha sabido introducir la idolatria bajo las apariencias del Cristianismo,y se esfuerza en desviar sobre una criatura,y hasta en la imagen de esta,la adoracion que se debe a Dios tan solo.Sin duda que con igual objeto se colocan por todas partes las estatuas de Maria,adornadas con una corona,y llevando en brazos un tierno infante,como para acostumbrar al pueblo al concepto entranable de [la superi]oridad de Maria sobre Jesus.'
P.30.'Tal es nuestra conclusion.Reconociendo y sancionando este culto,la Iglesia de Roma se constituye iglesia IDOLATRA,y todos sus miembros que no saben buscar la verdad detras del monstruos-o hacinamiento de impiedad con que la oculta,son supuestos por la misma condenados a la perdicion.El caudillo de esta Iglesia,que no se averguenza de prohibir y hacer que se prohiba,por donde quiera alcanza su ferula,la palabra de Dios,debiera saber cuando menos,se atesorase el espiritu de Cristo,que mejor empleara sus bulas barriendo la Iglesia Romana de todas sus iniquidades,que no promulgando tan injustas prohibiciones.Pero ya que,afferrandose contra mejora,esta iglesia proteje y consagra por todas partes un sinnumero de supersticiones y cultos erroneos,claro esta que con esto se alza y caracteriza como uno de los principales ajentes del Anticristo.'