第21章 CHAPTER XI(2)
Immediately Hans,one of French Frank's sailors,was into a skiff and pulling rapidly for the north shore.The big demijohn in the stern-sheets told his errand.They couldn't wait a moment to celebrate the fifty dollars they had so easily earned.It is the way of the devotees of John Barleycorn.When good fortune comes,they drink.When they have no fortune,they drink to the hope of good fortune.If fortune be ill,they drink to forget it.If they meet a friend,they drink.If they quarrel with a friend and lose him,they drink.If their love-making be crowned with success,they are so happy they needs must drink.If they be jilted,they drink for the contrary reason.And if they haven't anything to do at all,why,they take a drink,secure in the knowledge that when they have taken a sufficient number of drinks the maggots will start crawling in their brains and they will have their hands full with things to do.When they are sober they want to drink;and when they have drunk they want to drink more.
Of course,as fellow comrades,Scotty and I were called in for the drinking.We helped to make a hole in that fifty dollars not yet received.The afternoon,from just an ordinary common summer Sunday afternoon,became a gorgeous,purple afternoon.We all talked and sang and ranted and bragged,and ever French Frank and Nelson sent more drinks around.We lay in full sight of the Oakland water-front,and the noise of our revels attracted friends.Skiff after skiff crossed the estuary and hauled up on the sandspit,while Hans'work was cut out for him--ever to row back and forth for more supplies of booze.
Then Whisky Bob and Nicky the Greek arrived,sober,indignant,outraged in that their fellow pirates had raised their plant.
French Frank,aided by John Barleycorn,orated hypocritically about virtue and honesty,and,despite his fifty years,got Whisky Bob out on the sand and proceeded to lick him.When Nicky the Greek jumped in with a short-handled shovel to Whisky Bob's assistance,short work was made of him by Hans.And of course,when the bleeding remnants of Bob and Nicky were sent packing in their skiff,the event must needs be celebrated in further carousal.
By this time,our visitors being numerous,we were a large crowd compounded of many nationalities and diverse temperaments,all aroused by John Barleycorn,all restraints cast off.Old quarrels revived,ancient hates flared up.Fight was in the air.And whenever a longshoreman remembered something against a scow-schooner sailor,or vice versa,or an oyster pirate remembered or was remembered,a fist shot out and another fight was on.And every fight was made up in more rounds of drinks,wherein the combatants,aided and abetted by the rest of us,embraced each other and pledged undying friendship.