He got up, he had a switch in his hand, and walked up to me, saying, 'I will soon show you.' I went stiff with fright; but instead of slashing at me he dropped down by my side and kissed me on the cheek.Then he did it again, and by that time I was gone dead all over and he could have done what he liked with the corpse but he left off suddenly and then I came to life again and I bolted away.Not very far.I couldn't leave the goats altogether.He chased me round and about the rocks, but of course I was too quick for him in his nice town boots.When he got tired of that game he started throwing stones.After that he made my life very lively for me.Sometimes he used to come on me unawares and then I had to sit still and listen to his miserable ravings, because he would catch me round the waist and hold me very tight.And yet, I often felt inclined to laugh.But if I caught sight of him at a distance and tried to dodge out of the way he would start stoning me into a shelter I knew of and then sit outside with a heap of stones at hand so that I daren't show the end of my nose for hours.He would sit there and rave and abuse me till I would burst into a crazy laugh in my hole; and then I could see him through the leaves rolling on the ground and biting his fists with rage.Didn't he hate me! At the same time I was often terrified.I am convinced now that if I had started crying he would have rushed in and perhaps strangled me there.Then as the sun was about to set he would make me swear that I would marry him when I was grown up.
'Swear, you little wretched beggar,' he would yell to me.And Iwould swear.I was hungry, and I didn't want to be made black and blue all over with stones.Oh, I swore ever so many times to be his wife.Thirty times a month for two months.I couldn't help myself.It was no use complaining to my sister Therese.When Ishowed her my bruises and tried to tell her a little about my trouble she was quite scandalized.She called me a sinful girl, a shameless creature.I assure you it puzzled my head so that, between Therese my sister and Jose the boy, I lived in a state of idiocy almost.But luckily at the end of the two months they sent him away from home for good.Curious story to happen to a goatherd living all her days out under God's eye, as my uncle the Cura might have said.My sister Therese was keeping house in the Presbytery.
She's a terrible person."
"I have heard of your sister Therese," I said.
"Oh, you have! Of my big sister Therese, six, ten years older than myself perhaps? She just comes a little above my shoulder, but then I was always a long thing.I never knew my mother.I don't even know how she looked.There are no paintings or photographs in our farmhouses amongst the hills.I haven't even heard her described to me.I believe I was never good enough to be told these things.Therese decided that I was a lump of wickedness, and now she believes that I will lose my soul altogether unless I take some steps to save it.Well, I have no particular taste that way.
I suppose it is annoying to have a sister going fast to eternal perdition, but there are compensations.The funniest thing is that it's Therese, I believe, who managed to keep me out of the Presbytery when I went out of my way to look in on them on my return from my visit to the Quartel Real last year.I couldn't have stayed much more than half an hour with them anyway, but still I would have liked to get over the old doorstep.I am certain that Therese persuaded my uncle to go out and meet me at the bottom of the hill.I saw the old man a long way off and I understood how it was.I dismounted at once and met him on foot.We had half an hour together walking up and down the road.He is a peasant priest, he didn't know how to treat me.And of course I was uncomfortable, too.There wasn't a single goat about to keep me in countenance.I ought to have embraced him.I was always fond of the stern, simple old man.But he drew himself up when Iapproached him and actually took off his hat to me.So simple as that! I bowed my head and asked for his blessing.And he said 'Iwould never refuse a blessing to a good Legitimist.' So stern as that! And when I think that I was perhaps the only girl of the family or in the whole world that he ever in his priest's life patted on the head! When I think of that I...I believe at that moment I was as wretched as he was himself.I handed him an envelope with a big red seal which quite startled him.I had asked the Marquis de Villarel to give me a few words for him, because my uncle has a great influence in his district; and the Marquis penned with his own hand some compliments and an inquiry about the spirit of the population.My uncle read the letter, looked up at me with an air of mournful awe, and begged me to tell his excellency that the people were all for God, their lawful King and their old privileges.I said to him then, after he had asked me about the health of His Majesty in an awfully gloomy tone - I said then: